A Place for Mom
Assisted Living
Memory Care
Independent Living
Senior Living
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Expert advice every step of the way

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Our personalized recommendations come at no cost to your family

Why is our service no cost to your family?

We’re paid by our participating communities if a family member moves into a senior living community or signs up with a home care provider. Our personalized guidance is free to our families.

Why are our recommendations unbiased?

Our advisors are not compensated based on which community in our network you choose. They are simply incented to help your family find the right solution that meets your needs.

Our interests are aligned to provide the best outcome for your family and help you make a confident decision

A Place for Mom simplifies the process of finding senior living and home care with personalized guidance

Connect with a local advisor

Our senior living advisors offer deep knowledge and expertise, and they’re local, so they know the community options in your area including services, amenities, costs, and availabilities.

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Review a tailored list of recommendations

We know that every situation is different. We will ask you about your family’s unique needs, lifestyle, and preferences to help you find the right type of care for your loved one.

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Evaluate, tour, and decide with confidence

From the time you start considering care options to move-in day and beyond, we’re here for you. We will answer your questions, help you compare options, schedule tours, and help plan the logistics of a move.

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Tell us about your needs to find communities near you

We offer the largest network of participating communities and home care providers in the U.S.